Connecticut Counties
Guardianships / Minors

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Names of children who were left orphaned or being poor or has inheritances requiring guardianship

Probate records were kept at the district level, rather than at the county level.
Districts covered one or more towns (townships). Some districts overlap county lines.

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  1. Fairfield - 10 May 1666
  2. Hartford - 10 May 1666
  3. Litchfield - 14 Oct 1751
  4. Middlesex - 2 May 1785
  5. New Haven - 10 May 1666
  6. New London - 10 May 1666
    New London District 1675-1850 (Lyme, New London, Norwich, Montville, Preston, Stonington)
    see Probate Records section for wills that are included in probate files
  7. Tolland - 13 Oct 1786
  8. Windham - 12 May 1726
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