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US District Courts:
- Harrisburg
- Philadelphia
| Declarations of Intent:
| Petitions for Naturalization (old format, no dates): | A-G | H-O | P-Z | old format
| Petitions for Naturalization (Every Name format): | A-K | L-Z | 2991 individuals, counting
| Petitions for Naturalization (Petitioners only, with dates): | A-Z Vol. 11-16 | 1504 petitioners, counting
- Pittsburgh
Circuit Court:
| Petitions: | A-K | L-Z | 1551 records, counting
| District Court:
| Petitions: A-Z | 1402 records, counting |
- Scranton
| Declarations of Intent: | A-C | D-J | K-M | N-R | S-Z |
- Adams
- Allegheny
- Armstrong
- Beaver
Petitions for Naturalization | 550 records, counting
- Bedford
- Berks
- Blair
- Bradford
- Bucks
- Butler
- Cambria
- Cameron
- Carbon
- Centre
- Chester
- Clarion
- Clearfield
- Clinton
- Columbia
- Crawford
- Cumberland
- Dauphin
- Delaware
- Elk
- Erie
- Fayette
- Forest
- Franklin
- Fulton
- Greene
- Huntingdon
- Indiana
- Jefferson
- Juniata
- Lackawanna
- Lancaster
- Lawrence
- Lebanon
- Lehigh
- Luzerne
- Lycoming
- McKean
- Mercer
- Mifflin
- Monroe
- Montgomery
- Montour
- Northampton
- Northumberland
- Perry
- Philadelphia
- Pike
- Potter
- Schuylkill
- Snyder
- Somerset
Old Petitions for Naturalization | 113 records, counting
- Sullivan
- Susquehanna
- Tioga
- Union
- Venango
- Warren
- Washington
- Wayne
- Westmoreland
- Wyoming
- York
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