Past - Present Border Changes

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My people didn't come from that country!
Countries change over the years. Borders change over the years. Here is the basic guideline to know the former and current lands.

  1. Germany
    • Bavaria (Bayern)
    • Rheinland
    • Westfalen (Westphalia)
    • Hannover
    • Saxony (Sachsen)
    • Lower Saxony (Niedersachsen) (note; not today's Niedersachen which was Hanover)
    • Reuss
    • Lippe
    • Lubeck
    • Hamburg
    • Bremen (Bremenhaven)
    • Hessen (Hesse, Hesse-Darmstadt)
    • Pommern (Pomermania)
    • East Prussia (Ostpreussen)
    • West Prussia (Westpreussen)
    • Posen (Poznan)
    • Brandenburg
    • Schleswig-Holstein
    • Schlesien (Silesia)
    • Saxe-Coburg-Gotha
    • Saxe-Cobura
    • Saxe-Eisenath
  2. Canada
    • Alberta
    • British Columbia
    • Saskatchewan
    • Manitoba
    • Quebec
    • Ontario
    • Newfoundland
    • Prince Edward Island
    • Nova Scotia
    • Northwest Territories
    • Cape Breton (now part of Nova Scotia)
    • New Brunswick
  3. Formerly part of Germany
    • Poland
  4. Formerly part of Austria
    • Czechoslovakia
    • Poland (Galicia)
    • Croatia
    • Slovenia
    • Serbia
    • Montenegro
    • Jugoslavia
    • Bohemia (now part of Czech Republic)
    • Moravia (now part of Czech Republic)
    • Slovakia
  5. Formerly part of Russia
    • Lithuania
    • Latvia
    • Estonia
    • Poland
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