County, Utah
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Column One = Name of the Estate (deceased and guardianships)
Column Two = State, County #, Probate File #  (covers years 1893-1917)
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ACKERMAN, JOHN                         UT-9-323
ALVEY, SAMUEL                          UT-9-283
BARKER, JOSIAH                         UT-9-39
BARKER, JOSIAH W.                      UT-9-208
BARNHURST, ANNIE M.                    UT-9-178
BELL, ARCHABOLD                        UT-9-39A
BURGESS, MARK                          UT-9-145
CAMERAN, JANE F.                       UT-9-32
CAMMPBELL, MOSES W.                    UT-9-1
CAMPBELL, JOHN G.                      UT-9-34
CLOVE, HANNAH                          UT-9-118
CLOVE, MARY ANN                        UT-9-62
CLOVE, NEILS P.                        UT-9-124
CLOVE, SOPHIA R. P.                    UT-9-96
CROSBY, SAMUEL O.                      UT-9-115
CROSBY, SARAH P.                       UT-9-36
DALY, JOHN H.                          UT-9-352
DAVIS, EDMUND                          UT-9-217
DAVIS, LAURA J.                        UT-9-348
DODDS, MARY E.                         UT-9-347
EVANS, D. W.                           UT-9-349
FOTHERINGHAM, EDMUND                   UT-9-263
GILGER, ELMER W.                       UT-9-306
GOULDING, DANIEL                       UT-9-207
HALL, MARVINS E.                       UT-9-102
HATCH, MELTIAR                         UT-9-33
HAYCOCK, JOSEPH                        UT-9-61
HEAPS, HENRY SR.                       UT-9-222
HENRIE, EDGAR A.                       UT-9-229
HEYWOOD, MARY B.                       UT-9-311
HOUSTON, MARGARET                      UT-9-255
IMLAY, JAMES H.                        UT-9-83
JOHNSON, AMASA                         UT-9-234
JOHNSON, ELDON                         UT-9-234
JOHNSON, ELLEN                         UT-9-234
JOHNSON, EMMA JANE                     UT-9-225
JOHNSON, EMMCE J.                      UT-9-55
JOHNSON, JOSEPH                        UT-9-234
JOHNSON, KARMA                         UT-9-234
JOHNSON, MAGGIE                        UT-9-234
JUDD, FRED K.                          UT-9-239
KING, HELEN M.                         UT-9-190
LEFEVRE, FRANCIS                       UT-9-240
LYNN, HENRY                            UT-9-321
MATHEWSON, GEORGE                      UT-9-37
MERRELL, JOHN ELWIN                    UT-9-221
MILLER, ALLEN                          UT-9-297
MITCHELL, MARY M.                      UT-9-285
MYERS, JOHN E.                         UT-9-93
NEILSON, MARTIN                        UT-9-237
ORTON, SARAH ANN                       UT-9-272
PACE, FRANK                            UT-9-81
PACE, LEROY                            UT-9-81
PACE, LOLA P.                          UT-9-81
PACE, PRESLEY P.                       UT-9-81
PAGE, JAMES J.                         UT-9-242
PAGE, JAMES J.                         UT-9-290
PARKER, ANNIE                          UT-9-192
PETERSON, PETER                        UT-9-328
PROCTOR, GEORGE W.                     UT-9-300
SAWYER, RALPH J.                       UT-9-273
SEVY, SARAH E.                         UT-9-82
SHIRTS, MYRON                          UT-9-245
SHUFFIELD, SAMUEL G.                   UT-9-334
SMITH, CAROL                           UT-9-319
SMITH, JAMES                           UT-9-193
STEPHANS, ABRAM A.                     UT-9-206
SULIVAN, JOHN W.                       UT-9-95
TANNER, BENJAMIN S.                    UT-9-322
TWITCHELL, AUGUSTUS                    UT-9-142
UNDERWOOD, GEORGE M.                   UT-9-302
WELCH, ANNICE H.                       UT-9-178A
WILLIS, WILLIAM                        UT-9-136
WILSON, MARTHA A.                      UT-9-320

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