New York Court of Appeals, New York
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Cases |

Column One: Name of Negroes/Slaves
Column Two: Name of Deceased Slaveowner
Column Three: Court (Court of Appeals) Statewide #, Volume #, Page # | 1 = 1770s-1824 |
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(BROCKHOLST), SLAVES                    BROCKHOLST, MARY                        NYACAP-66-1-132
(COLDEN), ANN                           COLDEN, ALEXANDER                       NYACAP-66-1-11
(COLDEN), ARNOT                         COLDEN, ALEXANDER                       NYACAP-66-1-11
(COLDEN), DICK                          COLDEN, ALEXANDER                       NYACAP-66-1-11
(COLDEN), FLORAH                        COLDEN, ALEXANDER                       NYACAP-66-1-11
(COLDEN), MAGDALEN AKA MONKEY           COLDEN, ALEXANDER                       NYACAP-66-1-11
(COLDEN), MARY                          COLDEN, ALEXANDER                       NYACAP-66-1-11
(COLDEN), PETER                         COLDEN, ALEXANDER                       NYACAP-66-1-11
(COLDEN), PHEBE AKA COOKOO              COLDEN, ALEXANDER                       NYACAP-66-1-11
(COLDEN), SARAH                         COLDEN, ALEXANDER                       NYACAP-66-1-11
(COLDEN), SLAVES                        COLDEN, CADWALLADER                     NYACAP-66-1-16
(COLDEN), TOM                           COLDEN, ALEXANDER                       NYACAP-66-1-11
(COLDEN), WILL                          COLDEN, ALEXANDER                       NYACAP-66-1-11
(HICKS), SLAVES                         HICKS, WHITEHEAD                        NYACAP-66-1-9
(HYLTON), HARRY                         HYLTON, JOHN                            NYACAP-66-1-90
(HYLTON), MARY                          HYLTON, JOHN                            NYACAP-66-1-90
(MARSTON), BILL                         MARSTON, NATHANIEL                      NYACAP-66-1-52
(MARSTON), GEORGE                       MARSTON, NATHANIEL                      NYACAP-66-1-52
(MARSTON), NANCY                        MARSTON, NATHANIEL                      NYACAP-66-1-52
(MARSTON), PRINCE                       MARSTON, NATHANIEL                      NYACAP-66-1-52
(MARSTON), VIOLET                       MARSTON, NATHANIEL                      NYACAP-66-1-52
(MARSTON), YORK                         MARSTON, NATHANIEL                      NYACAP-66-1-52
(MOWATT), JOHN AKA JOHANNY              MOWATT, GEORGE                          NYACAP-66-1-159
(NASH), BETT                            NASH, ABNER                             NYACAP-66-1-69
(NASH), BLUE JACK                       NASH, ABNER                             NYACAP-66-1-69
(NASH), CONGOWILL                       NASH, ABNER                             NYACAP-66-1-69
(NASH), DANIEL                          NASH, ABNER                             NYACAP-66-1-69
(NASH), DIANA                           NASH, ABNER                             NYACAP-66-1-69
(NASH), JUDAH                           NASH, ABNER                             NYACAP-66-1-69
(NASH), LIZZA                           NASH, ABNER                             NYACAP-66-1-69
(NASH), LYLLA                           NASH, ABNER                             NYACAP-66-1-69
(NASH), MARK                            NASH, ABNER                             NYACAP-66-1-69
(NASH), NEWTON                          NASH, ABNER                             NYACAP-66-1-69
(NASH), PHEBE                           NASH, ABNER                             NYACAP-66-1-69
(NASH), SLAVES                          NASH, ABNER                             NYACAP-66-1-69
(NASH), TAMMY                           NASH, ABNER                             NYACAP-66-1-69
(NASH), TOM                             NASH, ABNER                             NYACAP-66-1-69
(NASH), TOMMY                           NASH, ABNER                             NYACAP-66-1-69
(NASH), TONAH                           NASH, ABNER                             NYACAP-66-1-69
(NASH), TONNY                           NASH, ABNER                             NYACAP-66-1-69
(WILLET), BETTY                         WILLETT, MARGARET                       NYACAP-66-1-26
(WILLET), HAGAR                         WILLETT, MARGARET                       NYACAP-66-1-26
(WILLET), JENNY                         WILLETT, MARGARET                        NYACAP-66-1-26
(WILLET), POMPEY                        WILLETT, MARGARET                       NYACAP-66-1-26
(WILLET), PONTIUS                       WILLETT, MARGARET                       NYACAP-66-1-26
(WILLET), SLAVES                        WILLET, ISAAC                           NYACAP-66-1-20

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