New York Counties
Naturalization Records

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US District Courts:
  1. Eastern (Kings, Richmond, Queens, Nassau, Suffolk)
  2. Southern (Manhattan, Bronx, Westchester)
    | Petitions for Naturalization (1906 and after): A-Z | 751 records, counting |
  3. Northern
  4. Western (Allegany, Cattaraugus, Chautauqua, Chemung, Erie, Genesee, Livingston, Monroe, Niagara, Ontario, Orleans, Schuyler, Seneca, Steuben, Wayne, Wyoming, Yates)

  1. Albany
  2. Allegany
    | Old Declarations of Intention 1866-1895 | A-Z | 656 records, counting
    | Old Petitions for Naturalization 1866-1906 | A-Z | 495 records
    | Declarations of Intention 1906 | A-Z | 320 records, counting
    | Petitions for Naturalization 1906-1930 | A-Z | 210 records | old format |
    | Petitions for Naturalization 1906-1930 | A-Z | 157 individuals |
  3. Bronx
  4. Broome
    | Declarations of Intention 1906-1914 | A-Z | 601 records
    | Petitions for Naturalization 1907-1919 | A-Z | 896 records
  5. Cattaraugus
    | Declarations of Intention 1906 | A-Z | 100 records, counting
    | Petitions for Naturalization 1906-1954 | A-D | E-K | L-P | Q-Z | 2231 records
  6. Cayuga
    | Petitions for Naturalization 1906-1972 | A-B | C | D-E | F-G | H-K | L-M | N-P | Q-R | S | T-Z | 4646 records
  7. Chautauqua
    | Petitions for Naturalization 1906 | A-F | G-M | N-Z |2360 records, counting |
  8. Chemung
    | Declarations of Intention 1906-1911 | A-Z | 151 records
    | Petitions for Naturalization 1906 | A-Z | 515 individuals, counting
  9. Chenango
    | Declarations of Intention 1906-1929 | A-Z | 520 records
    | Petitions for Naturalization 1906-1923 | A-Z | 590 records
  10. Clinton
  11. Columbia
  12. Cortland
  13. Delaware
  14. Dutchess
  15. Erie
  16. Essex
    | Old Petitions for Naturalization 1903-1906 | A-Z | 29 records
    | Declarations of Intention 1906 | A-Z | 100 records
    | Petitions for Naturalization 1906-1923 | A-Z | 50 records
  17. Franklin
  18. Fulton
  19. Genesee
  20. Greene
    | Declarations of Intention 1906-1936 | A-K | L-Z | 665 records
    | Petitions for Naturalizations 1906 | A-Z |
  21. Hamilton
  22. Herkimer
  23. Jefferson
    | Declarations of Intentions 1906 | A-J | K-Z | 799 records, counting
    | Petitions for Naturalization 1906 |
  24. Kings
  25. Lewis
    | Declarations of Intentions 1906 | A-Z | 100 individuals, counting
  26. Livingston
  27. Madison
    | Declarations of Intentions 1906-1924 | A-Z | 100 individuals, counting
  28. Monroe
  29. Montgomery
  30. Nassau
  31. New York (Manhattan)
    | Declarations of Intent 1846-1895 | A-E | F-K | M-Q | R-Z | 3883 individuals, counting
    | Petitions for Naturalizations 1906-> | A-Z | 689 individuals, counting (spouses and children included)
  32. Niagara
  33. Oneida
    | Petitions for Naturalizations 1906-> | A-Z | 826 individuals, counting (spouses and children included)
  34. Onondaga
  35. Ontario
  36. Orange
  37. Orleans
  38. Oswego
  39. Otsego
  40. Putnam
  41. Queens
  42. Rensselaer
  43. Richmond
  44. Rockland
  45. St Lawrence
  46. Saratoga
  47. Schenectady
  48. Schoharie
  49. Schuyler
  50. Seneca
  51. Steuben
  52. Suffolk
  53. Sullivan
  54. Tioga
  55. Tompkins
  56. Ulster
  57. Warren
  58. Washington
  59. Wayne
  60. Westchester
  61. Wyoming
    | Declarations of Intention 1906-1954 | A-L | M-Z | 802 records
    | Petitions for Naturalizations 1906-1944 | A-Z | 743 records
  62. Yates
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