South Carolina Counties
Will Books Testators Records

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List of Testators who wrote the wills leaving stuff to heirs or screw them out of their inheritance
3062 records, counting |

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  1. Abbeville (formerly Abbeville District)
    | A-Z |1787 - 1868 | 1418 records
  2. Aiken
  3. Allendale
  4. Anderson (formerly Pendleton District, Anderson District)
    | A-Z |1791 - 1907 | 1644 records
  5. Bamberg
  6. Barnwell
  7. Beaufort
  8. Berkeley
  9. Calhoun
  10. Charleston
  11. Cherokee
  12. Chester
  13. Chesterfield
  14. Claremont
  15. Clarendon
  16. Colleton
  17. Darlington
  18. Dillon
  19. Dorchester
  20. Edgefield
  21. Fairfield
  22. Florence
  23. Georgetown
  24. Greenville
  25. Greenwood
  26. Hampton
  27. Horry
  28. Jasper
  29. Kershaw
  30. Lancaster
  31. Laurens
  32. Lee
  33. Marion
  34. Marlboro
  35. McCormick
  36. Newberry
  37. Oconee
  38. Orangeburg
  39. Pendleton
  40. Pickens
  41. Richland
  42. Saluda
  43. Spartanburg
    | A-Z | 140 records, counting
  44. Sumter
    | A-Z | 482 records, counting
  45. Union
    | A-G | H-O | P-Z | 1213 records, counting
  46. Williamsburg
  47. York
    | A-Z | 358 records, counting
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