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1 -17 - lost
18 = 1751-1754
19-27 - lost
28 = 1771-1773
29 - 43 lost
44 = 1802-1804
45 = 1801-1805
46 = 1804-1807
47 = 1807-1808
48 = 1808-1810
49 = 1809-1811
50 = 1811-1813
51 = 1813-1814
52 = 1814-1815
53 = 1815-1817
54 = 1816-1818
55 = 1818-1824
56 = 1819-1821
57 = 1821-1824
58 = lost
59 = 1824-1825
60 = 1825-1826
61 = 1826-1831
62 = 1828-1829
63 = 1828-1835
64 = 1827-1830
65 = 1830-1837
66 = 1829-1830
67 = 1830-1831
68 = 1831
69 = 1832-1833
70 = 1833
71 = 1830-1834
72 = 1830-1835
73 = 1830-1835
74 = 1835-1836
75 = 1836
76 = 1836-1837
77 = 1837
78 = 1837-1838
79 = 1838-1839
80 = lost
81 = 1839-1840
82 = lost
83 = 1841
84 = 1841-1842
85 = 1842
86 = lost
87 = 1834-1843
88 = 1843
89 = 1843-1844
90 = 1844-1845
91 = 1844-1845
92 = 1845-1846
93 = 1846-1847
94 = 1845-1847
95 = 1846-1848
96 = 1848
97 = 1848-1849
98 = lost
99 = 1849-1850
100 = 1849-1850
101 = 1850-1851
102 = 1851
103 = lost
104 = 1852
105-108 - lost
109 = 1852-1853
110 = 1854
112 - 114 - lost
116 = 1856
117 = lost
122 = 1857-1858
123 = 1857-1858
124 = 1858
125 = 1858
126 = 1858-1859
127 = 1858-1859
128-129 - lost
130 = 1858-1862
131 = 1858-1860
132 = 1860-1862
133 = 1860-1862
134 = 1860-1861
135-138 - lost
139 = 1861-1862
140 = 1861-1862
141 - lost
142 = 1862
143- 146 - lost
147 = 1862-1863
148-988 = TO BE INDEXED
984 = 1913-1913
985 = 1913-1914
986 = 1913-1914
987 = 1913-1914
988 = 1913-1914
989 = 1913-1914
990-994 = 1913-1914
995 = 1914
996 = 1914-1915
997-1002 = 1914
1003-1007 = 1914-1915
1008 = 1914
1009 = 1914-1915
1010 = 1914-1916
1011 = 1914-1914
1012 = 1914-1915
1013 = 1914--1915
1014-1016 = 1914-1915
1017-1022 = 1915
1023 = 1915-1916
1024 = 1915-1961
1025 = 1915-1916
1026-1031 = 1915-1916
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All Rights Reserved Copyright 1999-Present W. David Samuelsen