Richmond County (Staten Island), New York
Will Book Testators Indexes

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YALLOP, CATHARINE                      NY-43-X-67
YAROWITZ, HARRY                        NY-43-76-164
YATES, ESTHER                          NY-43-A-320
YEREANCE, HENRY J.                     NY-43-X-330
YETMAN, WILLIAM J.                     NY-43-88-114
YOCOM, THOMAS S.                       NY-43-8-445
YORK, JOSEPH S.                        NY-43-15-153
YORKSTON, WILLIAM RITCHIE              NY-43-82-266
YOST, JOSEPH                           NY-43-80-455
YOUNG, ELIZA                           NY-43-R-282
YOUNG, ELIZA S.                        NY-43-2-33
YOUNG, GEORGE B.                       NY-43-11-145
YOUNG, HENRY                           NY-43-11-299
YOUNG, JOHN L.                         NY-43-#1-352
YOUNG, PHILLIP                         NY-43-85-401
YOUNG, WILLIAM                         NY-43-A-159
YOURGEL, MARY                          NY-43-80-455

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